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C# for Java programmers

Go from System.out.println to Console.WriteLine, from Streams to LINQ.

Carefully crafted

By developers, for developers.

Tailored to you

Everything is explained in relation to your Java knowledge

Course Description

This course is tailored to help you smoothly transition from Java to C#, leveraging your existing knowledge to accelerate your learning.
We’ll guide you through C#'s core concepts, drawing parallels with Java to make the learning process intuitive and straightforward. Each C# feature is explained with references to its Java equivalent, allowing you to quickly understand the distinctions and commonalities between the two languages.
By the end of the course, you'll be fully prepared to develop robust and scalable applications in C#, using your Java background to confidently master this powerful language.

Why this course?

Learning C# as a Java developer is not about learning all the syntax from scratch - the syntax is largely the same. You will likely not want to learn about the fundamentals of programming again ("what is a data type?") - you already know that. It is about spotting the syntactical differences between both programming languages, and the framework behind C# itself - .NET. This course focuses on exactly these two points in an interactive manner.


Different layouts and styles for team sections.

I) Fundamentals

1. Overview of C# and .NET Framework

• Key differences and similarities with Java

2. Basic Syntax and Structure compared to Java

• Hello World in C#

• Data types and variables

• Operators and expressions

II) Advanced

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